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Message boards : Number crunching : mislabeling errors

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Profile True:I think, therefor I ...
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Message 56971 - Posted: 15 Jun 2021 | 21:39:12 UTC
"e1s8_I3-ADRIA_KIXcMyb_HIP_bandit-0-2-RND3309_0 27072179 580867 14 Jun 2021 | 11:41:28 UTC 15 Jun 2021 | 20:49:28 UTC Error while computing"

Is not true. The 'Error' was NOT 'while computing'
My GPU is just fine, thank you.
LLP, PhD, 6-sigma healthcare

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 56973 - Posted: 15 Jun 2021 | 21:56:07 UTC - in response to Message 56971.

no need to be pedantic. the same verbiage is used no matter what kind of error it is or when it happens.

if you look at your result, you'll see the reason for the error:

<error_code>-131 (file size too big)</error_code>

this is already discovered by me and posted in my other thread yesterday. it's due to an incorrect file size limit put in place by the project. they fixed it with all the new tasks with "New" in the file name.

Profile True:I think, therefor I ...
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Message 57202 - Posted: 13 Jul 2021 | 20:01:33 UTC
Last modified: 13 Jul 2021 | 20:05:54 UTC

Surely there is a distinction between accuracy and being "pedantic."
As I've noted elsewhere, I actually prefer to use my 1660 Ti for GpuGrid for several reasons: they publish results, their research is much more useful than some others, e.g., Collatz.
However, it is insulting to volunteers who donate their (expensive) equipment time, their KWs, etc., to waste hours and hours of same. The last WU I ran DID run successfully, and for 32.9 hours.
I will come back to GpuGrid being my preferred project as soon as they fix their problem. However 1) I am not going to waste my GPU (nor my time and effort to try to find work-arounds) 2) the true problems are more likely to be solved, and expeditiously, if the problem is correctly identified.
LLP, PhD Prof Engr, 6-sigma (ISO)
LLP, PhD, Prof. Engr.
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Profile True:I think, therefor I ...
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Message 57203 - Posted: 13 Jul 2021 | 20:16:33 UTC - in response to Message 57202.

Oh, and by the way... GPUGrid WUs are simulation runs, so the length (and size?) of WUs can be fairly well set a priori.
For many, many weeks now the WUs had been set to run on 1660 Ti (not the fastest or priciest, but a good GPU) at some 26-28 hours... quite a long run given the (obvious) risks in WU errors (and consistently just missing the 24hr mark).

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 57204 - Posted: 13 Jul 2021 | 22:05:00 UTC - in response to Message 57202.

Surely there is a distinction between accuracy and being "pedantic."
As I've noted elsewhere, I actually prefer to use my 1660 Ti for GpuGrid for several reasons: they publish results, their research is much more useful than some others, e.g., Collatz.
However, it is insulting to volunteers who donate their (expensive) equipment time, their KWs, etc., to waste hours and hours of same. The last WU I ran DID run successfully, and for 32.9 hours.
I will come back to GpuGrid being my preferred project as soon as they fix their problem. However 1) I am not going to waste my GPU (nor my time and effort to try to find work-arounds) 2) the true problems are more likely to be solved, and expeditiously, if the problem is correctly identified.
LLP, PhD Prof Engr, 6-sigma (ISO)

your issue with verbiage is with BOINC, not GPUGRID. it's how the BOINC software classifies things. you only need to look at the task result to see the more specific error.

you don't need to preach to me about power use and waste. I contribute more resources and power (24GPUs, and 5000W of GPU power) than most other users. so it affects me too.

the project has decided to do full sims on each GPU, as is their right to operate how they want, and that will take time. if you want to get the 24hr bonus, you'll have to invest in a faster GPU. just because you don't like it, doesn't mean there's a "problem".

there are other real problems at this project that absolutely should be fixed, but the things you're complaining about are not problems. they fixed the file size issue already, and long running tasks are not a problem.

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Message boards : Number crunching : mislabeling errors
