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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55917 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020 | 17:58:27 UTC

On Linux Mint hosts 537311 and 508381

Sample error messages:
[26912] INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!
[26916] INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!

Sergey Kovalchuk
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Message 55918 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020 | 18:21:37 UTC

wrapper uses absolute path (from root)
in my case, the path contains spaces - so the path is transmitted truncated

other projects use relative path - from slot/N/

wrapper: running ../../projects/ (arg)

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 55919 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020 | 19:38:38 UTC
Last modified: 9 Dec 2020 | 19:38:54 UTC

it's interesting that even though all the wingmen experience some error, they are not receiving the same error, and some are running for quite a while before erroring out.

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55922 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020 | 20:21:47 UTC - in response to Message 55919.

My Linux machines run under the systemd daemon install. We found a problem recently where systemd was set up to have no access at all to the Linux tmp area - couldn't even read it. My machines are now able to read there, but may still be prevented from writing - wherever flock is trying to unpack python for installation.

Keith Myers
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Message 55924 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020 | 23:26:30 UTC

Anybody successful yet in the new Python tasks?

I have just watched two tasks run and are currently at 100% progress and time remaining, dashed out. Runtime currently at 18 minutes for one and 12 minutes for the other, and counting.

Maybe making progress in the task development. At least ran for more than the couple of seconds of the previous tries.

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 55925 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020 | 23:30:34 UTC - in response to Message 55924.
Last modified: 9 Dec 2020 | 23:38:05 UTC

Looks like Kevvy's system completed a bunch of them.

And also was awarded over 1,500,000 credits for each one! I think the credit award calculation is off a bit LOL. its about 10x the credit given from MDAD

Keith Myers
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Message 55927 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020 | 23:49:54 UTC

Well, if mine really are going to run for 3 hours, then that is about 1.5X longer than ADRIA tasks on my hosts.

So at least 1.5X in credits.

But agree the credit awarded is way out there.

But maybe an exorbitant award for being a beta tester.

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 55929 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 0:15:37 UTC - in response to Message 55927.

looks like I picked up a couple resends (i only just enabled Beta tasks). I'll see if they complete on my system. both picked up on my RTX 2070 system.

Keith Myers
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Message 55930 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 2:25:39 UTC

Everyone has failed again on my two hosts.

I wonder what Mr. Kevvy has done right for the crunching environment to get them to complete successfully?

Keith Myers
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Message 55934 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 6:14:21 UTC

Finally had success on several new Python tasks. Wonder if the failures are logged to forward correct the task configuration so that future attempts are finished correctly.

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55937 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 10:42:22 UTC

I thought I'd turned off Python tasks after the failures, but I forgot to turn off test tasks as well, so I've been sent another one.

The initial runtime estimate is 43 seconds...

I'll go and grab the full task specification before it runs, and see if I can spot anything.

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Message 55938 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 11:45:29 UTC - in response to Message 55937.

The latest round of tasks look fairly good.
The current batch of errors I have seen are related to disk space and proxy pass through errors (download anaconda environment doesn't use proxy)

Can we post the STDerr output for errored tasks to see what other issues remain?

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55939 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 11:47:33 UTC - in response to Message 55937.
Last modified: 10 Dec 2020 | 11:50:55 UTC

Well, it failed again, with the program 'flock' failing to create a temporary directory. That's the very first task in the job spec, and it seems to be trying to install miniconda.

The strange thing is that I seem to have a full miniconda installation already, created on 11 November, but that job has long since vanished from my task list.

Forgot to mention - a machine belonging to ServicEnginIC has also tried the same task, and failed in the same way.

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Message 55940 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 12:46:40 UTC - in response to Message 55939.

Well, it failed again, with the program 'flock' failing to create a temporary directory. That's the very first task in the job spec, and it seems to be trying to install miniconda.

The strange thing is that I seem to have a full miniconda installation already, created on 11 November, but that job has long since vanished from my task list.

Forgot to mention - a machine belonging to ServicEnginIC has also tried the same task, and failed in the same way.

Apologies, should have read original post. Just to compare your failed tasks with successful tasks...
It appears the tmp folder is a sub folder of the project folder - miniconda and in the slot N folder gpugridpy.
I currently have a task running now, both populated with the app compile environment.
Is the user listed in /lib/systemd/system/boinc-client.service also in the /etc/group - boinc group? Does this user have correct permissions on /var/lib/boinc-client folder, sub folders?

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 55944 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 14:34:56 UTC
Last modified: 10 Dec 2020 | 14:58:52 UTC

Looks like I have 11 successful tasks, and 2 failures.

the two failures both failed with "196 (0xc4) EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" after a few mins and on different hosts.

curious, since both systems have plenty of free space, and I've allowed BOINC to use 90% of it.

these tasks also have much different behavior compared to the default new version acemd tasks. and they don't seem well optimized yet.
-less reliance on PCIe bandwidth, seeing 2-8% PCIe 3.0 bus utilization
-more reliance on GPU VRAM, seeing 2-3GB memory used
-less GPU utilization, seeing 65-85% GPU utilization. (maybe more dependent on a fast CPU/mem subsystem. my 3900X system gets better GPU% than my slower EPYC systems)

contrast that with the default acemd3 tasks:
-25-50% PCIe 3.0 bus utilization
-about 500MB GPU VRAM used
-95+% GPU utilization

thinking about the GPU utilization being dependent on CPU speed. It could also have to do with the relative speed between the GPU:CPU. just something I observed on my systems. slower GPUs seem to tolerate slower CPUs better, which makes sense if the CPU speed is a limiting factor.

Ryzen 3900X @4.20GHz w/ 2080ti = 85% GPU Utilization
EPYC 7402P @3.30GHz w/ 2080ti = 65% GPU Utilization
EPYC 7402P @3.30GHz w/ 2070 = 76% GPU Utilization
EPYC 7642 @2.80GHz w/ 1660Super = 71% GPU Utilization

needs more optimization IMO. the default app sees much better performance keeping the GPU fully loaded.

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Message 55950 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 17:07:24 UTC

Several failures for me as well.
Some because of time-limit 1800 which abort themselves after 1786 sec.
Unhid my machines for the case someone is interested in the stderr output.
There might be different output on different machines, so just help yourselves.
- - - - - - - - - -
Greetings, Jens

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 55952 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 17:22:53 UTC - in response to Message 55950.

Just spitballing, but it seems the people failing all their tasks are using a repository/service install of BOINC.

I see successful completions from myself, Keith, and Kevvy. all of us run an all-in-one install from an executable in our home directories.

all of the failures on repo/service installs might be down to a permissions issue with how the new app is trying to work.

Keith Myers
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Message 55960 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 19:11:19 UTC

First thing I would ask of the BOINC service install users, is their user added to the boinc group.

Also is video added to the boinc group.

Permissions get tricky with the service BOINC install.

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55967 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 20:21:58 UTC - in response to Message 55940.

It appears the tmp folder is a sub folder of the project folder - miniconda and in the slot N folder gpugridpy.

I'm not entirely convinced by that. It's certainly the final destination for the installation, but is it the temp directory as well?

Call me naive, but wouldn't a generic temp folder be created in /tmp/, unless directed otherwise?

The last change to the BOINC service installation came as a result of Previously, there was no access at all to /tmp/, which blocked idle detection. I'm running the fixed version, so I have access - but maybe it's only read access? That may explain why I was able to install conda on 11 November - with no access to /tmp/, it would have been forced to try another location. But access with no write permission??? Consistent with the error message.

Anyway, I've made it private again. All we need now is a test task...

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55968 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 22:05:15 UTC - in response to Message 55967.

YAY! I got one, and it's running. Installed conda, got through all the setup stages, and is now running ACEMD, and reporting proper progress.

Task 31712246, in case I go to bed before it finishes.

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 55971 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 22:14:47 UTC - in response to Message 55968.
Last modified: 10 Dec 2020 | 22:15:40 UTC

YAY! I got one, and it's running. Installed conda, got through all the setup stages, and is now running ACEMD, and reporting proper progress.

Task 31712246, in case I go to bed before it finishes.

hoping for a successful run. but it'll probably take 5-6hrs on a 1660ti.

did you make any changes to your system between the last failed task and this one?

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55972 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 22:25:40 UTC - in response to Message 55971.

I applied the (very few) system updates that were waiting. I don't think anything would have been relevant to running tasks. [I remember a new version of curl, and of SSL, which might have affected external comms, but nothing caught my eye apart from those]

I spotted one problem, though. Initial estimate was 1 minute 46 seconds. I checked the <rsc_fpops_bound>, and it was a mere x50 over <rsc_fpops_est>. At the speed it was running, it would probably have timed out - so I've given it a couple of extra noughts on the bound.

The ACEMD phase started at 10% done, and is counting up in about 1% increments. Didn't seem to have checkpointed before I stopped it for the bound change, so I lost about 15 minutes of work.

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 55973 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 22:32:21 UTC - in response to Message 55972.

you probably didn't need to change the bounds to avoid a timeout. my early tasks all estimated sub 1min run times, but all ran to completion anyway, even my 1660Super which took 5+hrs to run.

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55974 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020 | 22:43:53 UTC - in response to Message 55973.

Somebody mentioned a time out, so I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. After all the troubles, it would have been sad to lose a successful test to that (besides being a waste of time. At least the temp directory errors only wasted a couple of seconds!).

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Message 55977 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020 | 1:27:54 UTC - in response to Message 55967.
Last modified: 11 Dec 2020 | 2:05:00 UTC

The last change to the BOINC service installation came as a result of Previously, there was no access at all to /tmp/, which blocked idle detection.

Did you find adding PrivateTmp=false to the boinc-client.service file changed the TMP access error in the original post? It is weird, as PrivateTmp defaults to false.
I could set this to true on one of my working hosts to see what happens.

YAY! I got one, and it's running. Installed conda, got through all the setup stages, and is now running ACEMD, and reporting proper progress.


I'm not entirely convinced by that. It's certainly the final destination for the installation, but is it the temp directory as well?

Call me naive, but wouldn't a generic temp folder be created in /tmp/, unless directed otherwise?

Debian based distros seem to use /proc/locks directory for lock file location.
If you use lslocks command, you will see the current locks, including any boinc/Gpugrid locks. (cat /proc/locks will also work, but you will need to know the PID of the processes listed to interpret the output)
I cant think of anything that would prevent access to this directory structure, as it is critical in OS operations.
I am leaning towards a bug in the Experimental Tasks scripts that causes this issue (and has since been cleaned up).

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Message 55980 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020 | 5:35:59 UTC - in response to Message 55944.
Last modified: 11 Dec 2020 | 6:30:13 UTC

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

Looks like I have 11 successful tasks, and 2 failures.

the two failures both failed with "196 (0xc4) EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" after a few mins and on different hosts.

curious, since both systems have plenty of free space, and I've allowed BOINC to use 90% of it.

gemini8 wrote:
Several failures for me as well.
Some because of time-limit 1800 which abort themselves after 1786 sec.
Unhid my machines for the case someone is interested in the stderr output.
There might be different output on different machines, so just help yourselves.

I have seen the same errors on my hosts.
It is a bug in those particular work units as they fail on all hosts.
Some hosts report the Disk Limit Exceeded error, some hosts report an AssertionError - assert os.path.exists('output.coor') (AssertionError is from an assert statement inserted into the code by the programmer to trap and report errors)

A host belonging to gemini8 experienced a flock timeout on Work Unit 26277866. All other hosts processing this task reported this error:
os.remove('restart.chk') FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'restart.chk'

3 of your hosts with older CUDA driver report this: ACEMD failed: Error loading CUDA module: CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX (218).
Perhaps time for a driver update. It wont fix the errors being reported (reported errors are task bugs), but may prevent other issues developing in the future.

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 55981 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020 | 9:03:36 UTC - in response to Message 55977.

[quote]I'm not entirely convinced by that. It's certainly the final destination for the installation, but is it the temp directory as well?

Call me naive, but wouldn't a generic temp folder be created in /tmp/, unless directed otherwise?

Debian based distros seem to use /proc/locks directory for lock file location.
If you use lslocks command, you will see the current locks, including any boinc/Gpugrid locks. (cat /proc/locks will also work, but you will need to know the PID of the processes listed to interpret the output)
I cant think of anything that would prevent access to this directory structure, as it is critical in OS operations.
I am leaning towards a bug in the Experimental Tasks scripts that causes this issue (and has since been cleaned up).

Remember that I had a very specific reason for reverting a single recent change. The BOINC systemd file had PrivateTmp=true until very recently, and I had evidence that at least one Anaconda had successfully passed the installation phase in the past.

The systemd file as distributed now has PrivateTmp=false, and my machine had that setting when the error messages appeared. I changed it back, so I now have PrivateTmp=true again. And with that one change (plus an increased time limit for safety), the task has completed successfully.

I have a second machine, where I haven't yet made that change. Compare tasks 31712246 (WU created 10 Dec 2020 | 20:54:14 UTC, PrivateTmp=true) and 31712588 (WU created 10 Dec 2020 | 21:05:06 UTC, PrivateTmp=false). The first succeeded, the second failed with 'cannot create temporary directory'. I don't think it was a design change by the project.

I now have a DCF of 87, and I need to go and talk to the Debian/BOINC maintenance team again...

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Message 55982 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020 | 10:44:35 UTC - in response to Message 55980.

rod4x4 wrote:
3 of your hosts with older CUDA driver report this: ACEMD failed: Error loading CUDA module: CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX (218).
Perhaps time for a driver update. It wont fix the errors being reported (reported errors are task bugs), but may prevent other issues developing in the future

Thanks for your concern!
The systems run with the 'standard' proprietary Nvidia Debian driver. Wasn't able to get a later one working, so I keep them this way.
Could switch the systems to Ubuntu which features later drivers, but I like Debian better and thus don't plan to do so.
- - - - - - - - - -
Greetings, Jens

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Message 55983 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020 | 11:33:58 UTC

Not a technical guru like you all here, but if it helps, my system has had one Anaconda failure back on 4 Dec, and now completed 4 in the last several days with one more in progress. Let me know if I can provide any information that helps.

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Message 55986 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020 | 23:43:34 UTC - in response to Message 55967.

Richard Haselgrove:
Your suggested action at Message 55967 seems to have worked for me also.
Thank you very much!

I had many failed Anaconda Python tasks, reporting errors regarding:

INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!

I executed the stated command:
sudo systemctl edit boinc-client.service

And I added to the file the suggested lines:

After saving changes and rebooting, the mentioned error vanished.
Task 2p95010002r00-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND3897_0 has succeeded on my Host #482132.
This host had previously failed 28 Anaconda Python tasks one after another...
I've applied the same remedy to several other hosts, and three more tasks seem to be progressing normally.

You have hit the mark

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Message 55987 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020 | 23:44:59 UTC - in response to Message 55981.

The systemd file as distributed now has PrivateTmp=false, and my machine had that setting when the error messages appeared. I changed it back, so I now have PrivateTmp=true again. And with that one change (plus an increased time limit for safety), the task has completed successfully.

I have a second machine, where I haven't yet made that change. Compare tasks 31712246 (WU created 10 Dec 2020 | 20:54:14 UTC, PrivateTmp=true) and 31712588 (WU created 10 Dec 2020 | 21:05:06 UTC, PrivateTmp=false). The first succeeded, the second failed with 'cannot create temporary directory'. I don't think it was a design change by the project.

On my hosts that are not reporting this issue, PrivateTmp is not set (so defaults to false)

I do have ProtectHome=true set on all hosts.

One thing I did note on 31712588 is that the tmp directory creation error is reported on a different PID to the wrapper. All transactions should be on the same PID.

21:48:18 (21729): wrapper: running /usr/bin/flock (/var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ -c "/bin/bash ./ -b -u -p /var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ &&
/var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ install -m -y -p gpugridpy --file requirements.txt ")
[21755] INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!
[21759] INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!
21:48:19 (21729): /usr/bin/flock exited; CPU time 0.118700

My concern is different outcomes are being seen with similar setting of PrivateTmp=false

Would be interested in Debian/BOINC maintenance team feedback.

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Message 55988 - Posted: 12 Dec 2020 | 0:03:26 UTC - in response to Message 55986.

Richard Haselgrove:
Your suggested action at Message 55967 seems to have worked for me also.
Thank you very much!

I had many failed Anaconda Python tasks, reporting errors regarding:
INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!

I executed the stated command:
sudo systemctl edit boinc-client.service

And I added to the file the suggested lines:

After saving changes and rebooting, the mentioned error vanished.
Task 2p95010002r00-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND3897_0 has succeeded on my Host #482132.
This host had previously failed 28 Anaconda Python tasks one after another...
I've applied the same remedy to several other hosts, and three more tasks seem to be progressing normally.

You have hit the mark

Good feedback!

So Richard Haselgrove, does ProtectHome=true imply PrivateTmp=true (or vice versa)?

Keith Myers
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Message 55989 - Posted: 12 Dec 2020 | 0:06:14 UTC

Yes, I too would like to hear the feedback from the developers, in my case what can be done with the project DCF of 93 on all my hosts.

That makes GPUGrid completely monopolize the gpus and prevent my other gpu projects from running.

The standard new acemd application tasks are the ones that are causing the week long estimated completion times.

The new beta anaconda/python tasks have reasonable estimated completion times.

The problem is the disparate individual DCF values for each application with a 100:1 ratio for python to acemd3 and BOINC only being able to handle one DCF value from a project with multiple sub-apps.

My current solution is manual intervention by stopping allowing new work and finishing off what is in the cache so that the other gpu projects can work on their caches. Then I let the other gpu projects run for a day or so so that the REC values of the projects are close to balancing out.

But this is an undesirable solution. I can only think that stopping one or the other sub-apps and exclusively running only one app is the only permanent solution now once the DCF normalizes against a single application.

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Message 55990 - Posted: 12 Dec 2020 | 0:12:06 UTC - in response to Message 55987.

On my hosts that are not reporting this issue, PrivateTmp is not set (so defaults to false)

All your three successful hosts have 7.9.3 BOINC version in use.
That version was default to PrivateTmp=true
Newer versions 7.16.xx changed this criterium to PrivateTmp=false by default.

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Message 55991 - Posted: 12 Dec 2020 | 0:30:06 UTC - in response to Message 55990.

On my hosts that are not reporting this issue, PrivateTmp is not set (so defaults to false)

All your three successful hosts have 7.9.3 BOINC version in use.
That version was default to PrivateTmp=true
Newer versions 7.16.xx changed this criterium to PrivateTmp=false by default.

Good pickup. Thanks for the clarification. I missed that!
Answers all my concerns.

I noted that the security directories created by PrivateTmp existed on my system, but could not work out why they existed.

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Message 55993 - Posted: 12 Dec 2020 | 14:41:52 UTC

Thanks guys. I've written up the problem for upstream at, and I'm hoping to get further ideas from there. At the moment, the situation seems to be that you can either use idle detection to keep BOINC out of the way when working, or run Python tasks, but not both together. That seems unsatisfactory.

There are a couple of suggestions so far:

either adding /var/tmp and /tmp to ReadWritePaths=
or commenting out:

Both sound insecure and not recommended for general use, but try them at your own risk. I'll be doing that.

Responding to other comments:

rod4x4 wrote:
the tmp directory creation error is reported on a different PID to the wrapper.

That's the nature of the wrapper. Its job is to spawn child processes. It will be the child processes which will be trying to create temporary folders, and their PIDs will be different from the parent's.

rod4x4 wrote:
does ProtectHome=true imply PrivateTmp=true (or vice versa)?

I don't know. I've got a lot of experience with BOINC, but I'm a complete n00b with Linux - learning on the job, by using analogies from other areas of computing. We'll find out as we go along.

Keith Myers wrote:
what can be done with the project DCF of 93 on all my hosts.

That's an easy problem, totally within the scope of the project admins here. We just have to ask TONI to have a word with RAIMIS, and ask him/her to increase the template <rsc_fpops_est> to a more realistic value. Then, the single DCF value controlling all runtime estimates throughout this project can settle back on a value close to 1.

ServicEnginIC wrote:
Newer versions 7.16.xx changed this criterium to PrivateTmp=false by default.

The suggestion for making this change was first made on 15 November 2020. Only people who use a quickly updating Linux repo - like Gianfranco Costamagna's PPA - will have encountered it so far. But the mainstream stable repos will get to it eventually

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Message 55998 - Posted: 12 Dec 2020 | 23:59:48 UTC - in response to Message 55993.
Last modified: 13 Dec 2020 | 0:16:11 UTC

Thanks guys. I've written up the problem for upstream at, and I'm hoping to get further ideas from there. At the moment, the situation seems to be that you can either use idle detection to keep BOINC out of the way when working, or run Python tasks, but not both together. That seems unsatisfactory.

Thanks Richard Haselgrove. Will follow that issue request with interest.

The last suggestion by BryanQuigley has merit.
Either way, the project has the BOINC writable directory - why not use that? You can make your own tmp directory there if I'm not mistaken (haven't tried it)

His suggestion will mean any temp files will be protected by the Boinc security system already in place, bypasses the need for PrivateTmp=true and be accessible for Boinc process calls.
One issue would be a a clean up process for the temp folder will need to be controlled by BOINC to prevent run away file storage.

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Message 55999 - Posted: 13 Dec 2020 | 1:20:55 UTC - in response to Message 55998.

His suggestion will mean any temp files will be protected by the Boinc security system already in place, bypasses the need for PrivateTmp=true and be accessible for Boinc process calls.

Which circles back to how flock uses /tmp directory. Perhaps BryanQuigley can clear that point up.

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Message 56000 - Posted: 13 Dec 2020 | 5:19:28 UTC - in response to Message 55999.
Last modified: 13 Dec 2020 | 6:19:24 UTC

His suggestion will mean any temp files will be protected by the Boinc security system already in place, bypasses the need for PrivateTmp=true and be accessible for Boinc process calls.

Which circles back to how flock uses /tmp directory. Perhaps BryanQuigley can clear that point up.

I am starting to think the error is not related to flock temp folder handling nor is PrivateTmp the cause, rather they highlight an error in the Gpugrid work unit script.
I have noticed that 9 files are written to /tmp folder for each experimental task. These files are readable and contain nvidia compiler data.

The work unit script should be placing these files in the boinc folder structure.

It is these file writes that are causing the error.
21:48:18 (21729): wrapper: running /usr/bin/flock (/var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ -c "/bin/bash ./ -b -u -p /var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ &&
/var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ install -m -y -p gpugridpy --file requirements.txt ")
[21755] INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!
[21759] INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!
21:48:19 (21729): /usr/bin/flock exited; CPU time 0.118700

Once this script error is corrected, PrivateTmp can be reverted to the preferred setting.

It should also be noted that the task is not cleaning up these files on completion. This will lead to disk space exhaustion if not controlled.

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Message 56001 - Posted: 13 Dec 2020 | 13:52:48 UTC - in response to Message 56000.

I think it's more likely to be the /bin/bash which actually needs to write temporary files. I've now managed (with some difficulty) to separate the 569 lines of actual script from the 90 MB of payload. There's

export TMP_BACKUP="$TMP"
export TMP=$PREFIX/install_tmp

but no sign of the TMPDIR mentioned in More than that is above my pay-grade, I'm afraid.

You can run the script in your home directory if you want to know more about it. (Like the End User License Agreement, the Notice of Third Party Software Licenses, and the Export; Cryptography Notice!)

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Message 56002 - Posted: 13 Dec 2020 | 15:06:27 UTC
Last modified: 13 Dec 2020 | 15:08:26 UTC

For those users waiting to receive these new Anaconda Python tasks:
- They are currently available only for Linux OS based hosts, so they won't be sent to Windows OS based hosts. This can be seen at, and was announced by Toni at Message #55588.
- And (to be confirmed): Not all GPUs currently processing ACEMD3 WUs under Linux environment are eligible for processing Python WUs.

This second assertion is based in my own experience, and needs further confirmation.
None of my 2 GB RAM Graphics cards have received Python WUs so far.
I suspect that graphics card with more than 2 GB internal RAM is a requirement (?)
The most clear example sustaining this theory:
My Host #325908 received two Python tasks at the same time.
It is a double GPU host, GPU #0 being a GTX 950 with 2 GB internal RAM, and GPU #1 being a GTX 1650 with 4 GB internal RAM.
As soon as GPU #1 got free, it started processing the first Python task.
As can be seen at previous image, more than 2 GB of internal memory (2377 MB) were in use.
Compared to this, GPU #0 was processing an ACEMD3 task, requiring only 210 MB RAM for this.
After finishing this ACEMD3 WU, GTX 950 did not start the waiting Python task, but it asked to scheduler for work and it started a new downloaded ACEMD3 WU.
The waiting second Python WU was started at GTX 1650 GPU as soon as it finished the first one.

Two more curiosities that can be gleaned from the images:
- NVIDIA X Server Settings and BOINC Manager are reversely classifying both GPUs: GPU #0 for NVIDIA X Server Settings (GTX 950) is Device #1 in BOINC Manager, and vice versa.
GTX 950 is installed at PCIE slot #0, the nearest one to the CPU, and it is the device delivering video to the connected monitor.
- Mentioned DCF issue can be appreciated also: ACEMD3 WU 10% remaining was calculated to last two (2) days, while completed 90% fraction of it had been processed in about one only hour...

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Message 56003 - Posted: 13 Dec 2020 | 22:05:42 UTC
Last modified: 13 Dec 2020 | 22:06:29 UTC

I suspect that graphics card with more than 2 GB internal RAM is a requirement (?)

This theory has been empirically rebated:
My Host #557889 has received today its first Python task: 3pwd006012-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND4045_1, WU #26416972.
This system is based on a GTX 750 Ti graphics card with 2GB internal RAM.
Pitifully, the mentioned task failed after its first computing stage.

On the other hand, my Host #480458, having previously failed 39 Python tasks after few seconds past, is progressing apparently normal a new one after resetting GPUGrid project on this computer.

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Message 56004 - Posted: 14 Dec 2020 | 0:43:52 UTC - in response to Message 56001.
Last modified: 14 Dec 2020 | 0:51:56 UTC

I think it's more likely to be the /bin/bash which actually needs to write temporary files. I've now managed (with some difficulty) to separate the 569 lines of actual script from the 90 MB of payload. There's

export TMP_BACKUP="$TMP"
export TMP=$PREFIX/install_tmp

but no sign of the TMPDIR mentioned in More than that is above my pay-grade, I'm afraid.

You can run the script in your home directory if you want to know more about it. (Like the End User License Agreement, the Notice of Third Party Software Licenses, and the Export; Cryptography Notice!)

When using /bin/bash with -c, temporary files are not needed by bash. Within a script, there can be cases when temporary storage is required by /bin/bash. This is dependent on how the script is written.
TMPDIR referenced in the link, refers to the option of using and specifying a temporary directory if desired. This practice is avoided where possible, mktemp is the safest method (but not used here).

From what I can gather,

    wrapper starts the script successfully,
    miniconda folder is installed silently in / directory,
    conda install starts the setup of the environment, unpacks files then initiates processes to compile the task.

The environment setup is the step I am thinking causes the error.

Directories and Files of Interest:

    /miniconda/etc/profile.d/ directory,
    /miniconda/lib/python3.7/<_sysconfigdata_> files

These files and directories seem to contain Gpugrid environment information, which might be of interest. (probably more which I haven't found yet)

I am sure the team at Gpugrid are already 10 steps ahead of us and all issues well in hand!

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Message 56005 - Posted: 14 Dec 2020 | 9:05:00 UTC
Last modified: 14 Dec 2020 | 9:44:25 UTC

Curious observation. I've got a Python task running, with all the usual values - 3,000 GFLOPS size, progress rate 14.760% per hour - but BOINC is estimating over 13 days until completion. Normally it's the TONI tasks which are messed up by DCF = 87.8106.

The event log was odd, too:

(Python) estimated total NVIDIA GPU task duration: 1631149 seconds
(TONI) estimated total NVIDIA GPU task duration: 731036 seconds

Ah - the speed has dropped right down - <flops> 164,825,886 in <app_version>. Observing and investigating. (it was the other one they needed to change - <rsc_fpops_est> in <workunit>)

Edit - my other machine still has <flops> 61,081,927,479, but it hasn't picked up any Python work since 22:00 last night.

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Message 56022 - Posted: 16 Dec 2020 | 13:59:58 UTC

Returning to graphics card RAM size and Python tasks:
My Host #567828 and Host #557889, both running acemd3 tasks fine on their 2GB RAM graphics cards, haven't been able to process none of the Python tasks that they have received.
I gave up, and set their GPUGrid preferences for them not to ask for Python tasks any more.
This way, they won't be delaying these tasks uselessly.

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Message 56024 - Posted: 16 Dec 2020 | 14:39:28 UTC - in response to Message 56022.

Returning to graphics card RAM size and Python tasks:
My Host #567828 and Host #557889, both running acemd3 tasks fine on their 2GB RAM graphics cards, haven't been able to process none of the Python tasks that they have received.
I gave up, and set their GPUGrid preferences for them not to ask for Python tasks any more.
This way, they won't be delaying these tasks uselessly.

Yeah, my GTX 1650 is running one of the Python tasks at the moment and it's using 2.6 GB

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Message 56025 - Posted: 16 Dec 2020 | 17:46:42 UTC
Last modified: 16 Dec 2020 | 17:47:49 UTC

I happened to receive my first beta task today on a 750Ti (2GB VRAM). It started okay and the task progress bar advanced normally just to fail after ~800 sec. What I have seen so far on other hosts was that either the task seemed to fail immediately within seconds or it finished successfully, so it's strange that it did compute for quite some time. Saw that some of you reported >2GB VRAM used for the task so that could be an issue here as well, but I can't find in the stderr file what might have caused this error. Task 26520658

What is strange for my host is that normally for the ACEMD tasks that CPU time = runtime, but here CPU time was well below it.

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Message 56026 - Posted: 16 Dec 2020 | 18:07:18 UTC - in response to Message 56025.

I happened to receive my first beta task today on a 750Ti (2GB VRAM). It started okay and the task progress bar advanced normally just to fail after ~800 sec. What I have seen so far on other hosts was that either the task seemed to fail immediately within seconds or it finished successfully, so it's strange that it did compute for quite some time. Saw that some of you reported >2GB VRAM used for the task so that could be an issue here as well, but I can't find in the stderr file what might have caused this error. Task 26520658

What is strange for my host is that normally for the ACEMD tasks that CPU time = runtime, but here CPU time was well below it.

this is the specific reason:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 50, in <module>
assert os.path.exists('output.coor')
15:13:02 (13979): ./gpugridpy/bin/python exited; CPU time 31.339888

could be a bug in the task, or a consequence of not having enough memory.

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Message 56029 - Posted: 16 Dec 2020 | 20:56:04 UTC - in response to Message 56026.

Thanks for the pointer Ian&Steve. Seems like this issue prevails. Just got another beta task that failed and gave me the same error message.

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Message 56032 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 4:27:21 UTC

I just read through this whole thread, and I am still not clear what changes I need to make to fix the permissions error. FWIW, I have the regular BOINC installation, not a service installation.

Which file do I need to edit? What changed do I make to that file?

Reno, NV

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Message 56034 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 4:52:16 UTC - in response to Message 56032.

I just read through this whole thread, and I am still not clear what changes I need to make to fix the permissions error. FWIW, I have the regular BOINC installation, not a service installation.

Which file do I need to edit? What changed do I make to that file?


Apply this modification:

Extracted from post by ServicEnginIC

I executed the stated command: sudo systemctl edit boinc-client.service And I added to the file the suggested lines: [Service] PrivateTmp=true

A reboot is recommended after applying this change. (Or at the least, restart the boinc-client service)

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Message 56035 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 4:55:04 UTC - in response to Message 56034.

I just read through this whole thread, and I am still not clear what changes I need to make to fix the permissions error. FWIW, I have the regular BOINC installation, not a service installation.

Which file do I need to edit? What changed do I make to that file?


Apply this modification:

Extracted from post by ServicEnginIC

I executed the stated command: sudo systemctl edit boinc-client.service And I added to the file the suggested lines: [Service] PrivateTmp=true

A reboot is recommended after applying this change. (Or at the least, restart the boinc-client service)

Thanks. I wan't sure that applied to my situation, since my installation is not a service installation. And those instructions included "service". I added the lines, assuming I figured out the editor correctly. I know only vi. Anyway, just waiting for new tasks to try out now.
Reno, NV

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Message 56038 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 8:50:54 UTC - in response to Message 56035.

It would help if you identified exactly which version you have now installed (by version number, not some relative generality like "the latest"), and who released it. Berkeley has not released a new version for Linux, and so far as I know every Linux distribution or repository version available is designed to install as a service. I find the newest versions publicly available are in Gianfranco Costamagna's (LocutusOfBorg) PPA. That's where my problem originated.

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Message 56039 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 14:24:46 UTC

I was running 7.9.3, which is what was in the default repository for mint. It had the other problem, with only 20 credits per task.

Now I am running the version from ppa:costamagnagianfranco/boinc , which is version 7.16.14. This version had the permissions problem. The PrivateTmp=true change seems to have fixed the issue on the machines that have received work so far.

Interesting to learn that all linux installations do it as a service install. I thought that caused a problem with GPU crunching? Maybe that is only for windows? Or maybe I am thinking of something else? In any case, good to know.
Reno, NV

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Message 56040 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 15:49:20 UTC - in response to Message 56039.
Last modified: 17 Dec 2020 | 15:59:04 UTC

I've never seen a Windows installation that WASN'T a service install.

but for Linux, I prefer the standard non-service application, "install" is too strong a word for this, nothing is installed to the OS. that way I can keep all aspects of BOINC confined to a single folder in my Home folder, and moving or backing up the entire instance of BOINC is as easy as zipping the whole folder and copying it off to external media. very easy to preserve BOINC in cases where you have to maybe reinstall the OS, or simply want to move the BOINC stats between physical computers without a lot of headache. and upgrading the BOINC client or manager is as easy as replacing the core executables. It just works.

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Message 56041 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 15:59:54 UTC - in response to Message 56039.

Interesting to learn that all linux installations do it as a service install. I thought that caused a problem with GPU crunching?

Yes, your statement is right. The "GPUs are not available to services" is a specific, Windows only, driver security matter. Mac and Linux have different ways of handling it.

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Message 56042 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 16:49:58 UTC - in response to Message 56041.

Interesting to learn that all linux installations do it as a service install. I thought that caused a problem with GPU crunching?

Yes, your statement is right. The "GPUs are not available to services" is a specific, Windows only, driver security matter. Mac and Linux have different ways of handling it.

maybe we mean different things?

When I've installed boinc on Windows in the past, it hooked into the OS the same way many installed Windows applications do, and ran at startup without user intervention. It did so also with GPU crunching and I never saw an issue with GPU crunching in this configuration. is that not a service install?

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Message 56043 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 17:14:01 UTC - in response to Message 56042.

Under Windows, the installer gives you the choice of how and where to install BOINC. There are defaults, which are designed to 'just work', or you can enter the 'advanced' page and choose your own. Any personal choice will be remembered and offered as the default the next time round.

GPUs and service installs have been incompatible since the driver model was changed in (I think) Windows Vista. Certainly Windows XP could use GPUs in service mode, Windows 7 and later couldn't.

You have a service install if BOINC is listed in the 'services' applet linked from "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools" - that location generated from Windows 7: 8 or 10 might be different.

A service install will start running at machine startup: a non-service install will start running at user login. If you machine waits for a password, that might mean 'never'. A service install will never show a Manager icon in the system tray, unles you start the manager manually. A non-service install will try to show a manager icon in the system tray, but Windows will try to hide it. Windows 10 may refuse to show it at all.

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Message 56044 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 17:23:43 UTC - in response to Message 56043.

ah, that might be the difference then. the past installs were all on windows 7 and I never did anything special or advanced for the install of BOINC. But since they were just crunchers I never bothered having a login prompt, and just let them login automatically at startup. guess that's why I never noticed any issues with GPU crunching this way. To me, if it's running automatically in any way without me actually manually executing the file, it's being run as some sort of service.

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Message 56045 - Posted: 17 Dec 2020 | 18:40:47 UTC - in response to Message 56044.

When a user logs on,

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"boincmgr"="\"D:\\BOINC\\boincmgr.exe\" /a /s"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Space Sciences Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley\BOINC Manager]

1) Open the BOINC Manager - automatically, silently [implies unconditionally, minimised]

2) If the user has not disabled startup, the Manager will start the client. If they have disabled startup, backout before anyone notices.

All in user space - no service.

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Message 56121 - Posted: 21 Dec 2020 | 15:53:49 UTC - in response to Message 56045.

I increased the FLOPS estimate to 5e15 (was 3e12) and disk usage limit to 10 GB.

Unfortunately Python tasks tend to cache packages, which makes disk occupation go up and possibly reach some limit. If the disk size goes out of hand, please reset the project (while no tasks are running).

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Message 56122 - Posted: 21 Dec 2020 | 15:56:01 UTC - in response to Message 56121.

Also: there shouldn't be Windows Python tasks right now.

Also: spaces in directory names may well create problems. But why spaces? that's inviting problems.

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Message 56143 - Posted: 22 Dec 2020 | 19:01:25 UTC - in response to Message 56121.
Last modified: 22 Dec 2020 | 19:21:20 UTC

I increased the FLOPS estimate to 5e15 (was 3e12) and disk usage limit to 10 GB.

Thanks, that's a great help. But could you do something similar to the speed estimate, too, please?

I'm working on a python task now. The machine also works on ACEMD Tasks, too, but the speeds are totally mis-aligned:


That's 610 GigaFlops when running ACEMD, and a measly 165 MegaFlops when running Python (on the same GTX 1660 SUPER).

As a result, at 87% done, it's still estimating nearly 600 days to completion!

Edit - those figures are what your server sends in response to the 'average processing rate' in

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Message 56144 - Posted: 22 Dec 2020 | 19:05:06 UTC - in response to Message 56122.

Also: spaces in directory names may well create problems. But why spaces? that's inviting problems.

Sadly, you've missed that boat. Long file names and directory names, including spaces in either, have been de rigeur in Windows since 1995!

The accepted solution is to enclose affected names "in quotation marks".

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Message 56150 - Posted: 25 Dec 2020 | 16:01:17 UTC - in response to Message 56144.
Last modified: 25 Dec 2020 | 16:03:34 UTC

Also: spaces in directory names may well create problems. But why spaces? that's inviting problems.

Sadly, you've missed that boat. Long file names and directory names, including spaces in either, have been de rigeur in Windows since 1995!

The accepted solution is to enclose affected names "in quotation marks".

This is a thread for an app that runs on Linux. I think most of us prefer to use the "_" underscore.

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Message 56164 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 12:09:12 UTC

Been getting "1 (0x1) Unknown error number" after a couple of minutes on a few of my machines (one of which also had valid ones a few days ago). Is this something on my end?

process exited with code 1 (0x1, -255)</message>
12:51:44 (69060): wrapper (7.7.26016): starting
12:51:44 (69060): wrapper (7.7.26016): starting
12:51:44 (69060): wrapper: running /usr/bin/flock (/var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ -c "/bin/bash ./ -b -u -p /var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ &&
/var/lib/boinc-client/projects/ install -m -y -p gpugridpy --file requirements.txt ")

0%| | 0/96 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Extracting : libgcc-ng-9.1.0-hdf63c60_0.conda: 0%| | 0/96 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Extracting : libgcc-ng-9.1.0-hdf63c60_0.conda: 1%|1 | 1/96 [00:00<00:23, 4.13it/s]
Extracting : tk-8.6.8-hbc83047_0.conda: 1%|1 | 1/96 [00:00<00:23, 4.13it/s]
Extracting : setuptools-46.4.0-py37_0.conda: 2%|2 | 2/96 [00:00<00:22, 4.13it/s]
Extracting : requests-2.23.0-py37_0.conda: 3%|3 | 3/96 [00:00<00:22, 4.13it/s]
Extracting : cudnn-7.6.5-cuda10.2_0.conda: 4%|4 | 4/96 [03:04<00:22, 4.13it/s]
Extracting : cudnn-7.6.5-cuda10.2_0.conda: 5%|5 | 5/96 [03:04<21:12, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : numpy-1.19.2-py37h54aff64_0.conda: 5%|5 | 5/96 [03:04<21:12, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : pysocks-1.7.1-py37_0.conda: 6%|6 | 6/96 [03:04<20:59, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : cffi-1.14.0-py37he30daa8_1.conda: 7%|7 | 7/96 [03:04<20:45, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : conda-package-handling-1.6.1-py37h7b6447c_0.conda: 8%|8 | 8/96 [03:04<20:31, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : pycosat-0.6.3-py37h7b6447c_0.conda: 9%|9 | 9/96 [03:04<20:17, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : wheel-0.34.2-py37_0.conda: 10%|# | 10/96 [03:04<20:03, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : libedit-3.1.20181209-hc058e9b_0.conda: 11%|#1 | 11/96 [03:04<19:49, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : sqlite-3.31.1-h62c20be_1.conda: 12%|#2 | 12/96 [03:04<19:35, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : libstdcxx-ng-9.1.0-hdf63c60_0.conda: 14%|#3 | 13/96 [03:04<19:21, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : chardet-3.0.4-py37_1003.conda: 15%|#4 | 14/96 [03:04<19:07, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : readline-8.0-h7b6447c_0.conda: 16%|#5 | 15/96 [03:04<18:53, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : python-3.7.7-hcff3b4d_5.conda: 17%|#6 | 16/96 [03:04<18:39, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : libffi-3.3-he6710b0_1.conda: 18%|#7 | 17/96 [03:04<18:25, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : pip-20.0.2-py37_3.conda: 19%|#8 | 18/96 [03:04<18:11, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : pyopenssl-19.1.0-py37_0.conda: 20%|#9 | 19/96 [03:04<17:57, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : _libgcc_mutex-0.1-main.conda: 21%|## | 20/96 [03:04<17:43, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : urllib3-1.25.8-py37_0.conda: 22%|##1 | 21/96 [03:04<17:29, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : blas-1.0-mkl.conda: 23%|##2 | 22/96 [03:04<17:15, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : certifi-2020.4.5.1-py37_0.conda: 24%|##3 | 23/96 [03:04<17:01, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : scipy-1.5.2-py37h0b6359f_0.conda: 25%|##5 | 24/96 [03:04<16:47, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : six-1.14.0-py37_0.conda: 26%|##6 | 25/96 [03:04<16:33, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : idna-2.9-py_1.conda: 27%|##7 | 26/96 [03:04<16:19, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : ncurses-6.2-he6710b0_1.conda: 28%|##8 | 27/96 [03:04<16:05, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : zlib-1.2.11-h7b6447c_3.conda: 29%|##9 | 28/96 [03:04<15:51, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : ld_impl_linux-64-2.33.1-h53a641e_7.conda: 30%|### | 29/96 [03:04<15:37, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : xz-5.2.5-h7b6447c_0.conda: 31%|###1 | 30/96 [03:04<15:23, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : ca-certificates-2020.1.1-0.conda: 32%|###2 | 31/96 [03:04<15:09, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : tqdm-4.46.0-py_0.conda: 33%|###3 | 32/96 [03:04<14:55, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : pycparser-2.20-py_0.conda: 34%|###4 | 33/96 [03:04<14:41, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : openssl-1.1.1g-h7b6447c_0.conda: 35%|###5 | 34/96 [03:04<14:27, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : cudatoolkit-10.2.89-hfd86e86_1.conda: 36%|###6 | 35/96 [03:40<14:13, 13.99s/it]
Extracting : cudatoolkit-10.2.89-hfd86e86_1.conda: 38%|###7 | 36/96 [03:40<10:08, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : yaml-0.1.7-had09818_2.conda: 38%|###7 | 36/96 [03:40<10:08, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : ruamel_yaml-0.15.87-py37h7b6447c_0.conda: 39%|###8 | 37/96 [03:40<09:58, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : numpy-base-1.19.2-py37hfa32c7d_0.conda: 40%|###9 | 38/96 [03:40<09:47, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : cryptography-2.9.2-py37h1ba5d50_0.conda: 41%|#### | 39/96 [03:40<09:37, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : ncurses-6.2-h58526e2_3.tar.bz2: 42%|####1 | 40/96 [03:40<09:27, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : libstdcxx-ng-9.3.0-h2ae2ef3_17.tar.bz2: 43%|####2 | 41/96 [03:40<09:17, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : cffi-1.14.3-py37h00ebd2e_1.tar.bz2: 44%|####3 | 42/96 [03:40<09:07, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : networkx-2.5-py_0.tar.bz2: 45%|####4 | 43/96 [03:40<08:57, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : libffi-3.2.1-he1b5a44_1007.tar.bz2: 46%|####5 | 44/96 [03:40<08:47, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : libllvm10-10.0.1-he513fc3_3.tar.bz2: 47%|####6 | 45/96 [03:40<08:36, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : mkl-2020.4-h726a3e6_304.tar.bz2: 48%|####7 | 46/96 [03:40<08:26, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : brotlipy-0.7.0-py37hb5d75c8_1001.tar.bz2: 49%|####8 | 47/96 [03:40<08:16, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : six-1.15.0-pyh9f0ad1d_0.tar.bz2: 50%|##### | 48/96 [03:40<08:06, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : sqlite-3.33.0-h4cf870e_1.tar.bz2: 51%|#####1 | 49/96 [03:40<07:56, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : xz-5.2.5-h516909a_1.tar.bz2: 52%|#####2 | 50/96 [03:40<07:46, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : mkl_fft-1.2.0-py37h161383b_1.tar.bz2: 53%|#####3 | 51/96 [03:40<07:36, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : urllib3-1.25.11-py_0.tar.bz2: 54%|#####4 | 52/96 [03:40<07:25, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : conda-4.8.3-py37_0.tar.bz2: 55%|#####5 | 53/96 [03:40<07:15, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : mkl_random-1.2.0-py37h9fdb41a_1.tar.bz2: 56%|#####6 | 54/96 [03:40<07:05, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : lark-parser-0.10.0-pyh9f0ad1d_0.tar.bz2: 57%|#####7 | 55/96 [03:40<06:55, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : zlib-1.2.11-h516909a_1010.tar.bz2: 58%|#####8 | 56/96 [03:40<06:45, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : wheel-0.35.1-pyh9f0ad1d_0.tar.bz2: 59%|#####9 | 57/96 [03:40<06:35, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : tqdm-4.51.0-pyh9f0ad1d_0.tar.bz2: 60%|###### | 58/96 [03:40<06:25, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : libgcc-ng-9.3.0-h5dbcf3e_17.tar.bz2: 61%|######1 | 59/96 [03:40<06:15, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : _libgcc_mutex-0.1-conda_forge.tar.bz2: 62%|######2 | 60/96 [03:40<06:04, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : numba-0.51.2-py37h9fdb41a_0.tar.bz2: 64%|######3 | 61/96 [03:40<05:54, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : llvmlite-0.34.0-py37h5202443_2.tar.bz2: 65%|######4 | 62/96 [03:40<05:44, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : certifi-2020.6.20-py37he5f6b98_2.tar.bz2: 66%|######5 | 63/96 [03:40<05:34, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : torchani-2.2-pyh9f0ad1d_0.tar.bz2: 67%|######6 | 64/96 [03:40<05:24, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : ld_impl_linux-64-2.35-h769bd43_9.tar.bz2: 68%|######7 | 65/96 [03:40<05:14, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : pycparser-2.20-pyh9f0ad1d_2.tar.bz2: 69%|######8 | 66/96 [03:40<05:04, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : ca-certificates-2020.11.8-ha878542_0.tar.bz2: 70%|######9 | 67/96 [03:40<04:53, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : pysocks-1.7.1-py37he5f6b98_2.tar.bz2: 71%|####### | 68/96 [03:40<04:43, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : cryptography-3.2.1-py37hc72a4ac_0.tar.bz2: 72%|#######1 | 69/96 [03:40<04:33, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : python-dateutil-2.8.1-py_0.tar.bz2: 73%|#######2 | 70/96 [03:40<04:23, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : acemd3-3.3.0-cuda100_0.tar.bz2: 74%|#######3 | 71/96 [03:40<04:13, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : tk-8.6.10-hed695b0_1.tar.bz2: 75%|#######5 | 72/96 [03:40<04:03, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : mkl-service-2.3.0-py37h8f50634_2.tar.bz2: 76%|#######6 | 73/96 [03:40<03:53, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : _openmp_mutex-4.5-1_llvm.tar.bz2: 77%|#######7 | 74/96 [03:40<03:42, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : readline-8.0-he28a2e2_2.tar.bz2: 78%|#######8 | 75/96 [03:40<03:32, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : decorator-4.4.2-py_0.tar.bz2: 79%|#######9 | 76/96 [03:40<03:22, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : python_abi-3.7-1_cp37m.tar.bz2: 80%|######## | 77/96 [03:40<03:12, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : setuptools-49.6.0-py37he5f6b98_2.tar.bz2: 81%|########1 | 78/96 [03:40<03:02, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : libgfortran4-7.5.0-hae1eefd_17.tar.bz2: 82%|########2 | 79/96 [03:40<02:52, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : acemd3-3.3.0_72_gcceda4a-cuda102_0.tar.bz2: 83%|########3 | 80/96 [03:40<02:42, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : ninja-1.10.1-hfc4b9b4_2.tar.bz2: 84%|########4 | 81/96 [03:40<02:32, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : idna-2.10-pyh9f0ad1d_0.tar.bz2: 85%|########5 | 82/96 [03:40<02:21, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : requests-2.24.0-pyh9f0ad1d_0.tar.bz2: 86%|########6 | 83/96 [03:40<02:11, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : openssl-1.1.1h-h516909a_0.tar.bz2: 88%|########7 | 84/96 [03:40<02:01, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : pytorch-1.6.0-py3.7_cuda10.2.89_cudnn7.6.5_0.tar.bz2: 89%|########8 | 85/96 [04:56<01:51, 10.14s/it]
Extracting : pytorch-1.6.0-py3.7_cuda10.2.89_cudnn7.6.5_0.tar.bz2: 90%|########9 | 86/96 [04:56<01:15, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : pytz-2020.4-pyhd8ed1ab_0.tar.bz2: 90%|########9 | 86/96 [04:56<01:15, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : nnpops-pytorch-0.0.0a3-0.tar.bz2: 91%|######### | 87/96 [04:56<01:07, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : chardet-3.0.4-py37he5f6b98_1008.tar.bz2: 92%|#########1| 88/96 [04:56<01:00, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : pip-20.2.4-py_0.tar.bz2: 93%|#########2| 89/96 [04:56<00:52, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : pandas-1.1.4-py37h10a2094_0.tar.bz2: 94%|#########3| 90/96 [04:56<00:45, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : libgfortran-ng-7.5.0-hae1eefd_17.tar.bz2: 95%|#########4| 91/96 [04:56<00:37, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : llvm-openmp-11.0.0-hfc4b9b4_1.tar.bz2: 96%|#########5| 92/96 [04:56<00:30, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : moleculekit-0.4.4-py37_0.tar.bz2: 97%|#########6| 93/96 [04:56<00:22, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : python-3.7.8-h6f2ec95_1_cpython.tar.bz2: 98%|#########7| 94/96 [04:56<00:15, 7.55s/it]
Extracting : pyopenssl-19.1.0-py_1.tar.bz2: 99%|#########8| 95/96 [04:56<00:07, 7.55s/it]

12:56:52 (69060): /usr/bin/flock exited; CPU time 141.751422
application ./gpugridpy/bin/python missing


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Message 56165 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 12:18:01 UTC

@azmodes, all of my python tasks have failed with the same error. Resetting the project did not make a difference.

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Message 56166 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 13:42:14 UTC - in response to Message 56165.
Last modified: 28 Dec 2020 | 14:16:09 UTC

@azmodes, all of my python tasks have failed with the same error. Resetting the project did not make a difference.

Also have the same error
application ./gpugridpy/bin/python missing

The next line on successful tasks would normally be
: wrapper: running ./gpugridpy/bin/python (

Issue seems to be with further testing from Project Admin.
There is a preliminary step to setup the environment for the app. This step is writing files to /tmp/ instead of the /var/lib/boinc-client/slots/ directory (This is the error for missing files). Hence the above error.
Nothing wrong with your system.
These tasks are Experimental. Errors are to be expected.

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 56169 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 17:51:59 UTC
Last modified: 28 Dec 2020 | 17:53:10 UTC

I did have one successful task today, but it might have been from the old set.

but all the others have been the same failure, about missing python. must be an error in the task creation, likely to be fixed by the admins when they are aware of it.

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 56170 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 18:43:45 UTC
Last modified: 28 Dec 2020 | 19:08:34 UTC

I had a long series of failures on 537311 earlier today, while I was out. Then saw that I had two waiting to run on 508381 - looked through the task specs, but couldn't see anything odd. And behold, they're now running normally (one approaching 50%). First-run tasks, created around 16:20 UTC today, so maybe they've found the fault and sent out a new batch.

I've also got a recent new task waiting to start on 537311, so we'll see how that goes.

Edit - the new task on 537311 has started properly, as well. We might just be out of this particular thicket, even if not yet fully out of the woods.

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 56171 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 20:20:51 UTC

The first one finished successfully, but its replacement has a different early failure:

ERROR: /home/user/conda/conda-bld/acemd3_1592833101337/work/src/mdio/amberparm.cpp line 70: Failed to open PRMTOP file!

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 56172 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 20:57:40 UTC

interesting error message on this one too. looks like it ran to term, but file size too big to upload

upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
<error_code>-131 (file size too big)</error_code>

Profile trigggl
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Message 56173 - Posted: 28 Dec 2020 | 21:21:57 UTC
Last modified: 28 Dec 2020 | 21:28:19 UTC

Had one finish and validate.

Some things I noticed about it while it was running.

    Ran at 99% GPU use
    Started with a Time Remaining of 189 days
    Used under 400mb of GPU ram

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Message 56178 - Posted: 29 Dec 2020 | 10:57:58 UTC

I'll be removing this for the time being. Been getting a lot of tasks that error out after hours, lots of wasted computing time.

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Message 56179 - Posted: 29 Dec 2020 | 11:37:27 UTC - in response to Message 56172.

interesting error message on this one too. looks like it ran to term, but file size too big to upload

upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
<error_code>-131 (file size too big)</error_code>

I've had quite a few of these errors. From boinc messages:

52988: 29-Dec-2020 11:24:44 (low) [GPUGRID] Output file 2za0216000-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND5553_3_0 for task 2za0216000-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND5553_3 exceeds size limit.
52989: 29-Dec-2020 11:24:44 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 158101319.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes

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Message 56180 - Posted: 29 Dec 2020 | 12:17:03 UTC - in response to Message 56179.

interesting error message on this one too. looks like it ran to term, but file size too big to upload

upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
<error_code>-131 (file size too big)</error_code>

I've had quite a few of these errors. From boinc messages:

52988: 29-Dec-2020 11:24:44 (low) [GPUGRID] Output file 2za0216000-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND5553_3_0 for task 2za0216000-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND5553_3 exceeds size limit.
52989: 29-Dec-2020 11:24:44 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 158101319.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes

I went through the event log to look for more of the "output file exceeds size limit" errors. It looks like increasing the file upload size limit to 160000000 bytes or more would eliminate this problem.

53027: 29-Dec-2020 11:53:12 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 123705476.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
53019: 29-Dec-2020 11:30:56 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 107341284.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52989: 29-Dec-2020 11:24:44 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 158101319.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52981: 29-Dec-2020 10:50:22 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 123461155.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52908: 29-Dec-2020 08:38:07 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 123677635.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52870: 29-Dec-2020 08:18:04 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 158191729.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52816: 29-Dec-2020 07:01:51 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 138164005.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52808: 29-Dec-2020 06:25:55 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 158342958.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52800: 29-Dec-2020 06:13:12 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 158116895.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52781: 29-Dec-2020 05:33:28 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 107236868.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52743: 29-Dec-2020 04:32:48 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 138252720.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52645: 29-Dec-2020 02:03:47 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 123487055.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52482: 29-Dec-2020 00:57:04 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 123503099.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes
52343: 28-Dec-2020 23:55:57 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 107409143.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 56184 - Posted: 29 Dec 2020 | 14:17:45 UTC - in response to Message 56180.

interesting error message on this one too. looks like it ran to term, but file size too big to upload

upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
<error_code>-131 (file size too big)</error_code>

I've had quite a few of these errors. From boinc messages:

52988: 29-Dec-2020 11:24:44 (low) [GPUGRID] Output file 2za0216000-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND5553_3_0 for task 2za0216000-RAIMIS_NNPMM-0-1-RND5553_3 exceeds size limit.
52989: 29-Dec-2020 11:24:44 (low) [GPUGRID] File size: 158101319.000000 bytes. Limit: 100000000.000000 bytes

I went through the event log to look for more of the "output file exceeds size limit" errors. It looks like increasing the file upload size limit to 160000000 bytes or more would eliminate this problem.

I can confirm that. I had four resends running this morning, which had failed this way on their previous hosts.

There's only one upload file for these tasks, which makes things easier. The limit is set at 100 (decimal) MB, or 95.3674 (binary) MiB. I changed that with an extra zero, and they ran to completion. The upload files ended at up to 135 MB, but uploaded fine and validated.

Instructions and notes
1) the tasks I worked on were reporting progress every 0.180%, but the latest ones are updating every 0.450%. Another change.
2) they claim to checkpoint each time, but don't. They restart right back at 10%, and previous work is lost (the output file starts again at 0 MB).
3) But the recorded runtime is not lost, and continues to increase. Anybody on the brink of the 20 credit sanity-check, take care.

How to
a) Let a new task start. I'd advise you let it run to 10.450% or whatever, to get past the 'Failed to open PRMTOP file!' failure point.
b) Stop the BOINC client, by whatever means is appropriate for your version of Linux.
c) Navigate to the BOINC data directory - often /var/lib/boinc-client, but YMMV.
d) Make sure you have write access - may need sudo or similar.
e) Open the file client_state.xml with a plain text editor.
f) Find the start of the GPUGrid project section.
g) Within that section, find the <file> description which contains an <upload_url> entry.
h) A couple of lines above, you should see
Make that number bigger. I'd suggest allowing plenty of headroom - change the '1' to '2', or simply add a nought to make it ten times bigger.
i) Check that you have made no other changes to values or formats - this file is fragile.
j) Save it, and restart the BOINC client. You should be good to go, but check it's running properly before you walk away.

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Message 56188 - Posted: 29 Dec 2020 | 16:01:27 UTC

Is it possible to have the app clean up after itself in the /tmp folder? Each task leaves multiple files. Keep in mind that some people use ram for their /tmp folder, so zombie files are wasting ram

gpugrid files in my /tmp folder

-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 43314 Dec 28 10:23 7ea97c91d7361ec56632bfca26d5d9d13d642930_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 126286 Dec 28 10:23 e0ef5982e1b68c789da96dc45363b9eb8c2aa57e_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 80597 Dec 28 10:23 b4482d8d58bb8c6d2b7a91f73e7b773c0fd5dd94_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 20647 Dec 28 10:23 714822709ce1b8bc002bdbbf552e28e75c6da4e6_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 4733 Dec 28 10:23 fcf820cc959eabea7aebe1c17b691a0c2f4b0ff7_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 10245 Dec 28 10:23 50f9f113993bfc730988bdc619171c634a15523f_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30374 Dec 28 10:23 f2dab3f09e77bbb4575c7ddc986723c25d6a4f3d_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 20869 Dec 28 10:23 91f4a5a43a8501dea5dc4332cf4e8f9f5fd0359a_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 13716 Dec 28 10:23 7980fb2556658945503bd805a0d8e93a948e72ba_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30377 Dec 28 10:23 93916279bb5343117c8bdbd1338022d943b665dc_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 57843 Dec 28 10:23 7a1eb9372723ed7381f98389a26fd422b3bacdc9_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 35422 Dec 28 10:23 39066daa18fdb7f9d5831a3a738a007a1c33bb21_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 28 10:23 97a2b7cad094f060cf83fbee7aa045351955025d_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 28 10:23 8764d8337c744fb5661e0b67108406e054c1ecf7_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 126286 Dec 28 14:28 971f8bb04c1c0504d9d6226436fdcc5d07886be4_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 80619 Dec 28 14:28 a102f87703190d04f8f9faa27478ab445379a41e_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 10245 Dec 28 14:28 bceacf79d9e3a7852ce16958202b232509caa430_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30376 Dec 28 14:28 de46595abda900c61564054a4bd137ee3d70c9dd_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30379 Dec 28 14:28 b7c29d7e65c014012b9fd8c8c80b17c0e781422c_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 57839 Dec 28 14:28 d12a034ced08fa013e7e9ba14395bb50e706b7c4_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 35422 Dec 28 14:28 f58184112e590f9b8bac2ca1ba27f19730db8fe1_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 28 14:28 38eba1979b0e8c5c6c8337db39ec5e693353efd2_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 28 14:28 18682cb468a4f7ffe709f43654f80b950fd71e3e_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 126295 Dec 28 18:18 9d841da4897f17abb1063a155a32a239510006d4_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 80223 Dec 28 18:18 8f5b905c553a27de4570db40320a32e00282e107_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 10245 Dec 28 18:18 87be55f7f9b2231f4bf29107ba0bc5586e26d8cc_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30391 Dec 28 18:18 56e68b46f69582f6255d5a6ea2b6c106147735ba_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30394 Dec 28 18:19 ee66161b69723e8e712d6305af6a5b0af4cb7d70_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 57843 Dec 28 18:19 b0adc452ed6fa6fd24c9741c2b96482e35fa3923_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 35428 Dec 28 18:19 742b600f272127103bb928076a71f4cd8c5bd736_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36942 Dec 28 18:19 9156034baf2ffa58ec15e153da37e52b70e396c2_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36942 Dec 28 18:19 60c5e6cea54031315f04913098148579068979fc_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 126286 Dec 29 00:55 9233bab642d82fd791010f41501ae4d00de9a064_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 80619 Dec 29 00:55 1700e1fa0b176d84ed7d27df18324a520188c225_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 10245 Dec 29 00:55 5e0d2da29ad9b0dfc82c54d591826bf8ff0d142d_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30374 Dec 29 00:55 46d78c01e997eb624412f6a569d66daa53d1e29a_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30377 Dec 29 00:55 48b2935cd5e3da2f016c3332beb1a19cbd86e466_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 57843 Dec 29 00:55 0e1f699fe80e24604c63598f5d787edeb8ea9f4e_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 35422 Dec 29 00:55 a794b2186bfc30990054ab3ebb0426ce27632b6f_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 29 00:55 9d9a624fc68aa25d518928890e6ac3b36ca1d0cd_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 29 00:55 a836e46556989dc15e437e80577ddaa7c6393b75_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 126286 Dec 29 04:51 fb42a08ad7eca6be05c99ee38f3b4f71f1a717b9_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 80619 Dec 29 04:51 8408b5d9e631d0726f455499a816face8bab4174_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 10245 Dec 29 04:51 e5cb623ff3b139a425e04b40a7c572c3005561d3_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30376 Dec 29 04:51 32c1d753d0db123091d675f042cf383ec465b4d9_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30379 Dec 29 04:51 b42845ba5a8b020687c1285c4f36c70f62a4ab9f_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 57839 Dec 29 04:51 800c239c9c2ea4abf6b56821da41bd95c7dfbf74_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 35422 Dec 29 04:51 2fa8fe0195793ba7d4867aeeca60dcd4c3941b88_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 29 04:51 1e91dd22529e2e5af37a6c1c356af9d7f3ffcf12_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36936 Dec 29 04:51 27c226ae18af868c3e7195046dd14dea61bf4101_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 126295 Dec 29 08:26 8520d639fa8271b8962c3da8ae2803659d270827_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 80223 Dec 29 08:26 ae54db82a21c8e2e5747967ed4f68427e90509bc_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 10245 Dec 29 08:26 17fea8103490d36bfce7b9443641dfdedd2e24bb_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30391 Dec 29 08:26 33c9c1c55d8a8cb2db72b91b3344b4f33f5f15da_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 30394 Dec 29 08:26 a6514953bc083c082f2ad6ebe386904bf2576ee2_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 57845 Dec 29 08:26 573ac214fa460acfe44af24489e461d6aa3107ef_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 35428 Dec 29 08:26 8ead506b530d7fe93e46f3a28ca9e77798609101_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36942 Dec 29 08:27 a1bee26d81077fe4b29a180e84aab497b09097d0_75_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 boinc boinc 36942 Dec 29 08:27 482ad04da8945ca75cd26712d462e899addae4f7_75_64

At the moment, I'm just asking for a task to do some cleanup when it finishes. Don't like seeing boinc outside of the boinc folder.

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Message 56211 - Posted: 31 Dec 2020 | 13:03:57 UTC - in response to Message 56022.

Returning to graphics card RAM size and Python tasks:
My Host #567828 and Host #557889, both running acemd3 tasks fine on their 2GB RAM graphics cards, haven't been able to process none of the Python tasks that they have received.

After the last rebuilt of Python tasks on December 29th, all my 2 GB VRAM graphics cards have started to succeed them:
These cards are based on GTX 750, GTX 750 TI, GTX 950, and GT 1030 GPUs.
Also failures regarding "file size too big" disappeared.
Some entity in the background seems to know well what is handling...

Ian&Steve C.
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Message 56212 - Posted: 31 Dec 2020 | 13:43:16 UTC - in response to Message 56211.

yeah i noticed the baseline behavior changed from the last round of Python to this latest round.

VRAM use dropped from about 2GB to about 200MB.
PCIe use returned to the same as the MDAD tasks (using about as much as PCIe3.0 x4)

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Message 58387 - Posted: 27 Feb 2022 | 23:04:15 UTC

This week (february 22nd) I happened to catch one RAIMIS Python mt CPU task and an ADRIA ACEMD3 GPU task that ran concurrently.
They ran at this 4 core CPU system.
I have it configured to run CPU tasks at two CPU cores, leaving one more core for feeding GPU tasks, and another free core for smoothly attending OS needs.
Ok, RAIMIS Python mt CPU task "kidnapped" for nearly one full day (85640 seconds) both CPU cores, preventing for executing apps from other projects.
Anyway, It fits what could be expected for a multi thread CPU task.
But to my surprise, it also slowed down notoriously the execution of the concurrent GPU task, making it to miss its usually awarded full bonus.
GTX 1660 Ti GPU at this system takes usually 80 to 83 thousand seconds to process ADRIA ACEMD3 GPU tasks, while task that ran concurrently with the RAIMIS Python mt CPU task took more than 96 thousand seconds to process.

Profile Retvari Zoltan
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Message 58389 - Posted: 28 Feb 2022 | 0:05:26 UTC - in response to Message 58387.
Last modified: 28 Feb 2022 | 0:05:59 UTC

I've made that observation back in 2017 on my 4th generation CPUs. I'm avare that this haven't changed much throughout the years, so I basically don't run CPU tasks and GPU tasks simultaneously on the same PC, except when I need that much heat output in the winter. Lately I rather reanimate a few older GPUs, instead of crunching on CPUs.

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