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Robert Gammon
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Message 37249 - Posted: 9 Jul 2014 | 14:04:02 UTC

GPUGrid wants drivers with CUDA6 capability. However, all drivers beyond 331.38 on this Ubuntu 14.04 Linux machine do not allow BOINC to see the GPU (Missing GPU in BOINC). And 331.38 does not give OpenCL, so applications from other BOINC services WILL NOT RUN!!

The ONLY Nvidia drivers that I have found that give both CUDA and OpenCL access are the 304.xx drivers. I am using 304.121 However this driver is only CUDA5

If someone can show me drivers to install from x-edgers, standard ubuntu, NVIDIA direct and the correct procedure to install them I will be happy to try.

I know that I have installed and tried over 10 different drivers using System Tools and sudo apt-get to no avail.

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Message 37250 - Posted: 9 Jul 2014 | 15:54:23 UTC - in response to Message 37249.

Use the custom BOINC client I posted elsewhere on the forum - it properly reports the driver version number to the BOINC server, so you can get CUDA5 WUs

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Message 37252 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014 | 13:47:57 UTC - in response to Message 37250.

Got the custom BOINC client. Installed it on 3 Linux PCs.

No errors since July 5. But NO cuda60 workunits have been processed

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Message 37259 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014 | 14:34:54 UTC


Instalación o actualización manual del driver NVIDIA

Descargar el controlador desde el sitio de Nvidia. Recomiendo usar la versión - Idioma Ingles US - para evitar problemas de traducciones.

Los pasos serían los siguientes:

1.- Descargar el último (o betas si quieres) driver para tu modelo de tarjeta NVIDIA y Linux 64 bits, (o el que sea) seguidamente le cambias el nombre a, lo mejor es que lo descargues directamente a tu carpeta personal “ /home “.

A continuación lo pones en “ /opt “ (hay que ser root para poder copiarlo a /opt) para ello podemos usar el terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) y ponemos “ sudo cp /opt/ “ si tenemos el driver en “ /home “ o nos situamos donde lo tengamos descargado.

2.- Ejecuta en el terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)

“ gksudo gedit /usr/local/bin/install-nvidia “ (sin comillas)

Se abrirá un archivo de texto vacío de nombre “ install-nvidia “ y allí pegas esta lineas, tal cual.

service lightdm stop
apt-get --purge remove nvidia*
bash /opt/
service lightdm start

3.- Guardas y cierras el terminal.

Hemos creado un Script que podemos usar las veces que interese para instalar y actualizar el driver de Nvidia.

4.- Entra al “ tty1 “ ejecutando “ ctrl+alt+F1 “ .

Después de logearte ejecuta “ sudo bash install-nvidia “ (todo sin comillas evidentemente) y comenzará el proceso de instalación, pedirá una serie de confirmaciones en las que recomiendo las siguientes respuestas:

1a - NO (que no copie xconfig etc...)
2a – OK
3a – OK
4a – Aceptar
5a – Continue Instalacion
6a – Ignore CC...version...etc.
7a – YES instalar version 32bits (no es necesario pero por si acaso)
8a – OK
9a – NO... x config etc..
10a – OK

Terminado lo cual se iniciará automáticamente el servidor gráfico y veremos nuestro escritorio funcionando perfectamente con el último driver de Nvidia.

NOTA - La tarea 4a hay que ejecutarla cada vez que actualicemos el Kernel de Linux, Driver Mesa etc... o lo que seas que afecte al entorno gráfico, lo veremos sobre la marcha.

Si es el caso, nos encontraremos que al arrancar nuestro Linux se nos queda la pantalla en negro.... pues tendremos que ejecutar los pasos de la tarea 4a (si, en esa pantalla en negro) para reinstalar el driver de Nvidia y nada más.

El tener guardado el Script nos facilita enormemente la tarea.

Evidentemente habrá que repetir el paso 1a si queremos actualizar el driver Nvidia y previamente tendremos que borrar o renombrar el existente en “ /opt “ y cambiarlo por el nuevo driver descargado.

Este tipo de instalación de los drivers de NVIDIA soluciona el problema de no detección de la GPU en BOINC, por ejemplo y nos permite usar los últimos drivers y sus ventajas de rendimiento y mejor control y opciones en NVIDIA-Settings (Control de los ventiladores y hacer OC por ejemplo).

PD - Todo lo anterior esta verificado, repetidas veces personalmente, en mi Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) 64 Bits pero evidentemente queda a cargo y riesgo de cada uno si lo usa.

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Message 37261 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014 | 3:54:17 UTC - in response to Message 37259.

I will try this tomorrow

The patched BOINC client has problems. In a multi-GPU machine, I cannot get all GPUs processing a work unit unless I Update GPUGrid to get another workunit.

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Message 37263 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014 | 19:00:59 UTC - in response to Message 37261.

I did a translation using Google, Hope I got it right

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Message 37267 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014 | 0:14:44 UTC - in response to Message 37249.

Update your ubuntu boinc client to boinc development release

If you are running debian grab the 7.4.8 packages from Jessie or SID.

With the 7.4.8 packages I am currently using the 3.17 drivers with no problems and not getting and cuda 6 jobs at the current time.

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Message 37268 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014 | 3:49:15 UTC - in response to Message 37261.

Fedora has the same issue with the BOINC, does not report CUDA version so I am getting lots of failed CUDA6 work units.

Will the patched client work in Fedora?

What risks do I face if I attempt to use the patched client NOT in Ubuntu

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Message 37269 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014 | 15:58:41 UTC - in response to Message 37268.

Back on Ubuntu with 7.4.8 Boinc. 337.25 drivers downloaded from x-edgers


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Message 37270 - Posted: 15 Jul 2014 | 18:16:05 UTC - in response to Message 37269.

Robert - what does the command "nvidia-smi" report?

Robert Gammon
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Message 37272 - Posted: 16 Jul 2014 | 2:55:08 UTC - in response to Message 37270.

Tue Jul 15 22:55:35 2014
| NVIDIA-SMI 337.25 Driver Version: 337.25 |
| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
| 0 GeForce GTX 760 Off | 0000:02:00.0 N/A | N/A |
| 43% 34C N/A N/A / N/A | 248MiB / 2047MiB | N/A Default |
| 1 GeForce GTX 760 Off | 0000:03:00.0 N/A | N/A |
| 34% 32C N/A N/A / N/A | 8MiB / 2047MiB | N/A Default |

| Compute processes: GPU Memory |
| GPU PID Process name Usage |
| 0 Not Supported |
| 1 Not Supported |

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Message 37274 - Posted: 16 Jul 2014 | 13:59:28 UTC - in response to Message 37272.

I tried what captain jack and skgiven said, but Ubuntu executed a panic and stopped on reboot.

So I am back to 304.xx drivers with the patched Ubuntu Boinc client.


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Message 37275 - Posted: 16 Jul 2014 | 15:37:00 UTC - in response to Message 37274.

Up and running with Nvidia 304.117 installed from X-Swat on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and BOINC 7.4.8

Both GTX760s are running now.

I have yet to see if this BOINC client will report CUDA5 properly so that I do NOT get CUDA6 workunits.


CAN'T get updated drivers to WORK. manual install from Nvidia has failed in one way or another TOO many times (10+ tries with NO success)

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Message 37278 - Posted: 16 Jul 2014 | 19:09:50 UTC


WOW, sorry to hear that you are having so many challenges with NVIDIA drivers.

I tried the x-edgers drivers and had the same result. Not suitable for GPU crunching.

If it is any consolation, I have had some of the same frustrations with finding a correct way of getting the drivers installed manually. Installing NVIDIA drivers manually on Ubuntu is something of a black art. One thing I figured out is that if I tried something that didn't work, it was best to reinstall the operating system then try again. If I tried something that didn't work, it seemed to garble something up in the O/S that prevented any other attempt from working. And yes, I tried way more than 10 times before I was able to get the NVIDIA drivers manually installed.

I'm currently using Ubuntu 14.04, GTX 660ti, GTX 770 and NVIDIA drivers 337.25 installed manually and it is working fine.

There is a piece of software called "NVIDIA X Server Settings" that will help you configure you GPU drivers.

If you are a glutton for punishment and want to try again, do a clean install of Ubuntu, follow the instructions that skgiven and I recommended and be sure to have a monitor connected to each GPU when installing.

Be sure to keep us posted on your progress and any error messages that you encounter.

Hope that helps.

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Message 37279 - Posted: 17 Jul 2014 | 2:53:20 UTC - in response to Message 37278.

Xserver settings is visited often

I am a frequent reinstaller of Ubuntu. At least 10 times in the last month.

At time, it has been necessary to install something else (fedora, elementary, Mint) to wipe the file system sufficiently to get a clean install of Ubuntu

I had 340.25 also

I will attempt first with 337.25 that you have, then the 340.xx

But time is a big factor due to work

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Message 37280 - Posted: 17 Jul 2014 | 2:55:43 UTC - in response to Message 37278.

I have ONE monitor ONLY. Motherboard is configured to send video to one slot only. If I move a card, I get a black monitor.

On service lightdm stop, get a flashing cursor, then with right keypress, login

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Message 37282 - Posted: 17 Jul 2014 | 15:03:51 UTC - in response to Message 37280.

NVIDIA 337.25 on BOINC 7.4.8

Without reinstalling Ubuntu

Delete Boinc 7.2.42 and Boinc 7.4.8

reinstall Boinc 7.4.8


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Message 37295 - Posted: 18 Jul 2014 | 9:40:25 UTC - in response to Message 37282.


Generally, if you have X working with the NVidia card, and nvidia-smi is showing the GPUs then the problem is not with the Nvidia driver installation, but with BOINC.
At a guess, I'd say boinc is failing to dlopen the that it needs in order to detect the presence of CUDA.


Robert Gammon
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Message 37299 - Posted: 18 Jul 2014 | 14:42:55 UTC - in response to Message 37295.

I agree that the issue is with BOINC.

I now have several CUDA60 work units that have processed successfully.

However, the BOINC manager 7.4.8 has problems. It get unresponsive to user actions (Update, Projects, Tasks, Statistics, etc) take many seconds, up to a minute or more to respond

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Message 37731 - Posted: 24 Aug 2014 | 21:49:29 UTC - in response to Message 37278.

I got skgiven's instructions on the FAQ that deal with this.

1. I could not get RecoveryMode to work.
2. on the command "sudo lightdm stop", skgiven missed something
It should be "sudo service lightdm stop"

Perhaps you should update your notes.

Ubuntu 14.04.1 with Nvidia 340.24 drivers and Boinc 7.4.8 and all is working

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Message 37738 - Posted: 25 Aug 2014 | 13:52:26 UTC - in response to Message 37259.

This is good instruction when translated to English. Works well

Profile Carlesa25
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Message 37747 - Posted: 28 Aug 2014 | 11:19:56 UTC

Hello: Just to mention that following the steps in this thread I mentioned, installing BOINC is as follows:

CUDA and OpenCL in GPUs and OpenCL in CPUs.

Unfortunately my GTX 770 is under repair.

My event log BOINC 7.4.12
lun 18 ago 2014 12:22:17 CEST | | CUDA: NVIDIA GPU 0 (ignored by config): GeForce GT 640 (driver version 340.32, CUDA version 6.5, compute capability 3.0, 2048MB, 2024MB available, 692 GFLOPS peak)

lun 18 ago 2014 12:22:17 CEST | | OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 0 (ignored by config): GeForce GT 640 (driver version 340.32, device version OpenCL 1.1 CUDA, 2048MB, 2024MB available, 692 GFLOPS peak)

lun 18 ago 2014 12:22:17 CEST | | OpenCL CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (OpenCL driver vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., driver version 1411.4 (sse2,avx,fma4), device version OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (1411.4))

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Message 37801 - Posted: 3 Sep 2014 | 20:48:33 UTC


Is there a definitive, step-by-step 'GPU on Linux Mint' guide for idiots like me, who just want to crunch to help cure cancer, not become computer programmers?

I see many forums, but they are full of folks asking questions or posting possible answers.

Instead, I am looking for an official, sanctioned, dedicated web page with absolute, straightforward, step-by-step instructions (with screen caps), to get my GPU to be recognized by BOINC on Linux Mint.

Does such a thing exist here at GPUGrid?


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Message 37802 - Posted: 3 Sep 2014 | 23:04:55 UTC

As some know, I am stuck as well with Linux Mint 17 (on a USB-Stick), BOINC and “No usable GPUs found”.

So if somebody might help Peter over this forum, he makes me happy as well.

Over in PrimeGrid I found a user, who seems to run happily several NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 in Linux Mint, as he is member of “Linux Mint”-team, but he has not responded to my PM yet. The good thing Peter, it seems to be possible, but we (GPUGRID users) have not solved the puzzle quite yet.

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Message 37804 - Posted: 4 Sep 2014 | 10:10:22 UTC - in response to Message 37802.
Last modified: 4 Sep 2014 | 10:13:32 UTC

As some know, I am stuck as well with Linux Mint 17 (on a USB-Stick), BOINC and “No usable GPUs found”.

So if somebody might help Peter over this forum, he makes me happy as well.

Over in PrimeGrid I found a user, who seems to run happily several NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 in Linux Mint, as he is member of “Linux Mint”-team, but he has not responded to my PM yet. The good thing Peter, it seems to be possible, but we (GPUGRID users) have not solved the puzzle quite yet.

Hello: In this thread, more INTO THE BOTTOM, (in Spanish) is like the Nvidia driver must be installed for Ubuntu 14.04 recognizes the GPUs you install and also have dataO OpenCL GPU and CPU (but the latter must take a few steps more).

The NVIDIA driver you have to install it in Ubuntu 14.04 MANUAL to see BOINC Team GPUs and I guess for the other SO well be related to Ubuntu.

It's not complicated, you just have to be clear about the next steps.

I can put an automatic translation from Spanish to English (Google) as I do in this message may be easier to understand. Greetings.

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Message 37806 - Posted: 4 Sep 2014 | 14:16:40 UTC

Carlesa, I have tried your instructions, but it did not work for me. I will PM you so I will be able to write in Spanisch. If we get it working I will post here.

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Message 37807 - Posted: 4 Sep 2014 | 15:32:04 UTC - in response to Message 37806.

Carlesa, I have tried your instructions, but it did not work for me. I will PM you so I will be able to write in Spanisch. If we get it working I will post here.

Hi, I have sent a private message, I hope will be useful. Greetings.

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Message 37947 - Posted: 20 Sep 2014 | 13:44:39 UTC
Last modified: 20 Sep 2014 | 13:57:36 UTC

331.38 drivers have OpenCL support. Just install the nvidia-opencl-icd packages from repo. If Boinc can't detect OpenCL support, do a file search for a file named nvidia.icd. When you found the file, copy it to /etc/OpenCL/vendors/ then restart Boinc.
This solved my OpenCL problem, which I couldn't run any OpenCL projects for months with 331.38 drivers.
In fact after installing my Kubuntu, OpenCL was working. But after trying newer series of drivers which Boinc can't detect the CUDA support, OpenCL was gone too...

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Message 38377 - Posted: 9 Oct 2014 | 17:55:27 UTC - in response to Message 37249.
Last modified: 9 Oct 2014 | 17:59:07 UTC

GPUGrid wants drivers with CUDA6 capability. However, all drivers beyond 331.38 on this Ubuntu 14.04 Linux machine do not allow BOINC to see the GPU (Missing GPU in BOINC). And 331.38 does not give OpenCL, ....

Hi ! I am experiencing quite the dame problem.

The context : Running Lubuntu 14.04 uptodate, Boinc 7.4.22 and NVidia proprietary drivers 331.38 on 2 x GTX690 , I allways install from Synaptic : yjis works fine but crunching CUDA42 WUs only.
Since a long time I added a "sleep 15" delay in the boinc-client script and this solved the "Missing GPU" problem every time.

As soon as I try to update NVidia drivers above 331.38 , whatever Boinc version, I get the "Missing GPU" , including the latest 340.46 from Xedgers repository.
NVidia X server settings correctly displays my 4 GK104 GPUs

What I want is to replace one of my GTX690 with a GTX Titan Black, do I need to update the drivers
Note that I never couls install a driver from NVidia site using thier script.

So is there a combination of Boinc/NVidia that allows me to run a GTX Titan black in ùy context ?

Journal follows
Thanks for your time...

jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Starting BOINC client version 7.4.22 for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Libraries: libcurl/7.35.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1f zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.28 librtmp/2.3
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Data directory: /var/lib/boinc-client
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | No usable GPUs found
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Host name: odysseusV
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Processor: 12 AuthenticAMD AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6348 [Family 21 Model 2 Stepping 0]
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Processor features: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc extd_apicid amd_dcm aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq monitor ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt aes xsave avx f16c lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs xop skinit wdt lwp fma4 tce nodeid_msr tbm topoext perfctr_core perfctr_nb arat cpb hw_pstate npt lbrv svm_lock nrip_save tsc_scale vmcb_clean flushbyasid decodeassists pausefilter pfthreshold bmi1
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | OS: Linux: 3.13.0-36-generic
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Memory: 31.40 GB physical, 47.68 GB virtual
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Disk: 203.13 GB total, 167.56 GB free
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Local time is UTC +2 hours
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Config: report completed tasks immediately
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Config: use all coprocessors
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Config: GUI RPCs allowed from:
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | World Community Grid | URL; Computer ID 2457632; resource share 100
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | URL; Computer ID 157053; resource share 100
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | General prefs: from GPUGRID (last modified 19-Sep-2013 00:21:43)
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Computer location: home
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | General prefs: using separate prefs for home
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Reading preferences override file
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Preferences:
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | max memory usage when active: 24118.35MB
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | max memory usage when idle: 24118.35MB
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | max disk usage: 4.00GB
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | max CPUs used: 11
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | gui_rpc_auth.cfg is empty - no GUI RPC password protection
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Not using a proxy
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:49:29 CEST | | Suspending computation - initial delay
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:50:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:50:29 CEST | GPUGRID | Requesting new tasks for CPU
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:50:31 CEST | GPUGRID | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:50:31 CEST | GPUGRID | No tasks sent
jeu. 09 oct. 2014 19:50:31 CEST | GPUGRID | No tasks are available for Long runs (8-12 hours on fastest card)

Lubuntu 16.04.1 LTS x64

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Message 38378 - Posted: 9 Oct 2014 | 18:20:39 UTC - in response to Message 38377.
Last modified: 9 Oct 2014 | 18:28:25 UTC

As soon as I try to update NVidia drivers above 331.38 , whatever Boinc version, I get the "Missing GPU" , including the latest 340.46 from Xedgers repository.
NVidia X server settings correctly displays my 4 GK104 GPUs

Hello jlhal: In this thread already mentioned the problem.

ALL Nvidia drivers above 331.38 BOINC does not detect the GPUs, is a problem that currently has no solution through normal channels, ie installing from Ubuntu repositories.

The only way to find the GPUs BOINC is to install the NVIDIA driver manually also as I mentioned, it's really just following the instructions I detailed.

Anyway it seems that a colleague has had problems with this way of installation ... my experience is a perfect performance but must be monitored very logical responses during manual driver installation.

I have installed the latest Nvidia driver, 340.46 now it's no problem (I've updated a lot of times) and I have BOINC running perfectly with my GTX770. Greetings.

NOTE: There is one last update to Nvidia 331,104 diver I had to uninstall as it gave me problems, if not installed from repositories solve the problem in BOINC GPU not detected ... I have to try it.

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Message 38381 - Posted: 9 Oct 2014 | 20:58:16 UTC


Here are some instructions written in English that show how to manually install the NVIDIA drivers in Ubuntu. It includes a section on how to stop the nouveau drivers.

If you scroll down a few posts, there are some additional comments from skgiven that help clarify.

I am currently running 343.22 and they seem to be working fine.

Hope that helps.

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Message 38387 - Posted: 10 Oct 2014 | 8:36:24 UTC

Thanks everybody !

Will try (again) to manually install the latest from Nvidia website, following the instructions.. and reinstalling boinc afterwards.

I'll keep you in touch ;-)

Lubuntu 16.04.1 LTS x64

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Message 38391 - Posted: 10 Oct 2014 | 11:14:46 UTC

AFter following instructions my 2 gtx 690 are now crunching CUDA60 with Nvidia manually installed drivers and boinc 7.4.22

In a while I'll replace one of the gtx690 with a Gigabyte Titan Black Ghz Edition (Windforce 600) and I"ll keep you in touch ;-)

Lubuntu 16.04.1 LTS x64

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